Marbling fabric using shaving foam

I got the DVD of Quilting Arts Season 3 in the post last week so spent most of the weekend watching this. Just as well the weather was too bad to do much else or I might have felt a bit guilty!

They had a section on using Shaving Foam to marble fabric which caught my interest. Looked very easy to do - all you need is a can of shaving foam, a A4-sized plastic protector, fabric paint and fabric. I had a look in a cupboard and found a really old can of shaving foam that belongs to my Dad so decided to give it a go last night.

I only tried 2 A4-sized pieces of fabric but it was a really quick way of adding colour to fabric.
Next time though , I'll buy some cheap unperfumed shaving foam as the smell of the other stuff was a bit sickening.
I still have to get the shaving foam off the fabric as the instructions said to leave it to dry for a few hours. So I'll do that when I get home from work this eveing, and heat set the fabric.


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