Festival of Quilts

Bit of a belated post, but just realised I never posted anything about Festival of Quilts. I had a great time at the quilt exhibition this year, spent 5 days there!

I did a 3 day Shape and Line Design masterclass with Leslie Morgan at FoQ which was brilliant. It was great having a longer workshop, as I got lots of  fabric dyed and printed
Leslie adding dye to our pleated and clamped fabrics for shibori

 Here's one of the pieces I worked on, the design was made using masking tape on a screen.
One of my printed pieces

Here's all the shibori dyed pieces from the workshop - they look fabulous together. 

And here are some of the quilts which caught my eye at the show:

Loved the African prints in this quilt, really eye-catching. I don't usually like Lone Star quilts, but really liked this one. 

I had a piece in the Contemporary Quilters "Dislocation" Challenge. I was lucky enough to get my entry selected for this exhibition, here's my piece "In the Street I was Lost". 

This quilt was in the Art Quilt Masters Section - think it was by Miriam Pet-Jacobs. This was my favourite quilt in the entire show, loved everything about it.

This Aborginal inspired quilt was amazing, the work involved in making it and adding thousands of hand-appliqued circles was astounding.

Here's my quilt "Sound Waves".



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