Quilters Guild Region 17 Meeting

I'm a member of the Quilters Guild of the British Isles - previously an International member as Region 17 used to just cover Northern Ireland. At the last AGM, this was changed so Region 17 now covers all of Ireland.

The Quilters Guild are celebrating 40 years in existence this year, and wanted all branches etc. to host a party. So, Region 17 had their own party last week in Margaret McCrory's house in Co. Down. There was lots of cake and numerous rounds of tea and coffee.

There was a good turnout for the meeting, 6 of us came from the South, and the rest from all over Northern Ireland.

We had all agreed to bring two quilts for show and tell, some members brought their first quilt, so it was lovely hearing the stories related to the quilts.

As well as the food, we also got through some guild/business related matters and I'm now on the committee of Region 17.


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