Loughrea Medieval Festival

Two weeks ago I went to the Loughrea Medieval Festival, the festival has been running for a good few years but it was the 1st time I'd gone to it.

Have to say, I really enjoyed the day, the weather was glorious and picked up loads of interesting facts and tid-bits at the fair. One woman was demonstrating bobbin lace and had folders full of samples and notes showing how it was constructed.

There was lots of people (mostly men) dressed in Medieval armour, having sword-fights etc. but there was also stands with straw-weaving, wood-carving etc.

straw weaving

There was a blacksmith from Mountshannon I think who was making copper keychains with children (who had a steam-punk bicycle and other interesting objects).

steam punk milk  churn

steam-punk bicycle

One stand had a woman showing natural dyed yarns, so she had used lichens, onions and nettles to create some lovely subtle shades.


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